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Logflare has experimental support for storing and querying log events to a PostgreSQL server. Ingested logs are directly inserted into tables, and each source maps to a Postgres table within a given schema.


PostgreSQL as a backend is only available for the V2 ingestion and currently has limited functionality and support. Ingestion architecture and underlying storage mechanisms are subject to breaking changes.

Behavior and Configuration

On source creation, relevant migrations to create the source's table will be performed on the database.

The table schema is as follows:

  • id: The log event UUID.
  • timestamp: Unix microsecond, stored as bigint
  • event_message: The provided or generated event message of the log event, stored as text
  • body: A the processed log event, stored as jsonb

Where possible, storage and querying behavior will follow the BigQuery behavior

User-Provided Configuration

The following values can be provided to the backend:

  • url (string, optional): A PostgreSQL connection string, for connecting to the server.
  • schema (string, optional): The schema to scope all Logflare-related operations to.
  • username (string), optional: Username to connect as. Cannot be used with url.
  • password (string), optional: Password for user authentication. Cannot be used with url.
  • port (string), optional: Port of the database server. Cannot be used with url.
  • hostname (string), optional: Hostname of the database server. Cannot be used with url.
  • hostname (string), optional: Hostname of the database server. Cannot be used with url.
  • pool_size (integer), optional: Sets the number of connections in the connection pool to the database server. Defaults to 1.

If a url is provided, it cannot be used in conjunction with username/password credentials.

Either url or username/password credentials must be provided.

Configure pool_size if you wish to increase the throughput of ingestion and reduce chance of the connection pool being empty during ingest.

API Querying

It is possible to query the PostgreSQL backend using PostreSQL dialect, using the management API querying endpoint:


Valid private access tokens must be used.